
We are able to work with electrical installations of all types. We are a significant presence in the area of commercial real estate and housing as well as in the installation of charging posts and solar cell systems. Within the traditional electrical field, we work with everything from KNX, telecommunications and alarm installations through communication solutions in the area of electrical installations such as cable TV, fibre, network/data installations and energy optimisation. We are highly skilled in construction, planning and assembly. Among other things, we work with alarms and monitoring as well as with data networks and control of technical equipment.

Our companies are specialists in energy optimisation through integrated property automation and sustainable energy solutions such as solar cells and battery storage. The size of the projects varies from large joint ventures and contracts for new production and renovation through to smaller contracts and services.

We also have expertise in control and regulation technology and we have several electric power companies that offer services in the areas of high voltage with installation of transformers and switchgear. We are experts in complex lighting installations and other lighting fixtures, on which we collaborate with lighting engineers from Intec.

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Peter Hjerpe

Head of Division Middle

peter.hjerpe@instalco.se +46 (0) 70 944 66 63

Peter Hermansson

Business Area Manager North, installation

peter.hermansson@instalco.se +46 (0) 73 047 83 96

David Alm

Business Area Manager South

david.alm@instalco.se +46 (0) 73 267 57 71



More and more installations of charging boxes

The Instalco company, Nihlén Elmontage installed 100 charging boxes as part of a project for Kaptenens Samfällighetsförening in Gothenburg. Nihlén is one of several Instalco companies that is growing in this area, installing an ever-increasing number of charging boxes as part of the green transition.


Solar cells on the school roof an obvious choice

The Instalco company, Elinstallationer in Karlshamn was a key player in the construction of Mörrum’s new school. In this partnering project, the company, with its vast experience, was responsible for both the design and installation of all the electrical installations.


Specialists in solar energy and energy storage

The Instalco company, Vallacom in Linköping, is a pioneer in solar cells and electric car charging. It also has specialist expertise in energy storage, lighting and control systems. Vallacom is able to use its cumulative knowledge to offer optimal solutions to its customers.


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